I LOVE to look at beads and components. I could spend hours just looking through my favorite shops on Etsy. My husband doesn't get that, nor do my kids. Its a compulsion and a near obsession. Buying comes in a close second lately, in terms of my obsessiveness. But to be good, this month I've limited myself in what I buy and how much I buy (i.e. NOTHING), and anyway, I find myself focusing on just a few shops lately that I adore. I want to tell you about one of those shops today - Marla's Mud.
A big part of it is Marla herself. I have never met Marla in person, I only know her through Facebook, but I can tell that if we lived in the same town or even within easy driving distance, we'd be fast friends. I love her sense of humor and her spark. She's kind and funny and generous and supportive. She has a wacky sense of humor, but you can tell there's also a serious dedication to her. She cares about her craft, and that shows through in her pieces. It makes her work as beautiful as it is, and that makes her pendants so easy for me to work with.

Her pieces are earthy, organic, with gorgeous texture and some soft subtle colors, other strong rich colors. I could gaze at her pieces all day, but I also love to hold them, feel their weight and texture and marvel at their beauty in person. I broke my vow to not spend this month - I can't blame it all on Marla because I bought some pendants from a couple of my other favorite shops - and splurged on three LOVELY pendants from her shop that I got in the mail just two days ago. I already finished one necklace that I'm keeping (the daisy to the left) and I've set out beads with the dragonfly to work on next. I bought three of her lovely goddesses last month and have already used them all.
I have to be honest - I struggled a bit with the first one of the goddesses I worked with (the necklace sold right away!), but with the other two, the designs just came to me, like it did with the daisy. I'm keeping the goddess in the picture here, she was the second I worked with and my favorite, the pale green color is so peaceful and lovely.

I bought several of her lovely lovely heart pendants before Valentine's, I remember when I first got these hearts, I IMMEDIATELY started to work with them, pairing them up with beads and having a literal creating storm. I used them all up within a week! The necklaces that are still in my Etsy shop are pictured below. I can't do that with every piece I buy. I really struggle with many of the pendants I buy, but not with Marla's. I connect with her pieces, they speak to me, which maybe that sounds odd or silly, but I think some people might get that.
In fact, I think I hear the dragonfly talking to me right now...I better go listen to what he has to say...
Thank you Marla for your amazing pendants! I will definitely be back again and again for more!
Check out her shop at http://www.etsy.com/shop/marlasmud?ref=ss_profile